
In today’s world, design technology moves so fast that it would be easy to be left in the dark about new tools and techniques if you don’t keep up with it. Plus, I enjoy learning. On this page, I keep the collection of the LinkedIn certificates I have earned.

March 27, 2023

Drawing Vector Graphics: Painting with Vectors

In this course create your own custom, handmade brush strokes and import them into Adobe Illustrator. Von demonstrates how to compile and use custom brush strokes to achieve both a hand-painted aesthetic and a personal touch. Whether you're a painter, a designer, or just a fan of Illustrator, this course offers instructions on how to expand your use of Illustrator.
March 1, 2021

Social Media Marketing Foundations

In this course, you can learn the basics of social media marketing. Instructor Brian Honigman—a top marketing consultant—explains why making an investment in social media can benefit your business. He shows how to define your audience and craft a social media strategy focused on your organization's goals.